When we received our fertility diagnosis, we were understandably devastated .Since my husband and I were children, we both had dreams of raising a family. Fortunately we lived in Massachusetts where fertility treatments are covered and we were surrounded by several well-known and well-regarded treatment centers. We availed ourselves of the best services in the field. After a failed treatment cycle the doctors were not hopeful that we will ever conceive. It was an extreme case. We took some time to figure out what to do next and in the process we learned Sung. Sung is well-known and well-regarded in for his fertility treatments. We decided to use a combination the best route to a traditional and complementary treatments. It took four more cycles and the end result is a beautiful healthy happy girl. Our fertility doctor outright called her a miracle- which she is . However we also believe that she would not have been here if you’re not been for the combination combined efforts of Sung and our treatment Center. There’s no doubt in our minds that acupuncture gave us the boost that we needed to have our miracle baby.
Lisa and Scott